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 Acid Reflux Diet (GERD) Diet :

Acid Reflux Diet and Dieting

This website has been designed to help you understand your body and how your diet can help you manage your Acid Reflux. Acid Reflux can easily be managed by the foods and drink you consume. A change in your lifestyle and a healthier diet can make a big difference for your Acid Reflux.

We have created this article to not just teach you about your diet, but to learn how to understand your body's warning signs. Acid Reflux occurs when the foods or drinks you consume are pushed backup into the esophagus along with stomach acid due to a weak LES muscle. This will cause damage to your esophagus & painful symptoms. Certain foods can trigger these symptoms to arise. With Acid Reflux the foods you eat can dictate what will happen with you body. If you eat something that will irritate the lining of your digestive tract, your symptoms will then occur. If you stay away from foods that cause symptoms, you body has a chance to promote healing. By sticking to a strict diet, it will allow time for the irritated area to relax, rebuild and strengthen so healing can take place.

To learn more on how AMP Floracel can help your Acid Reflux CLICK HERE. AMP Floracel has been helping Acid Reflux patients for over a decade all around the world. Making sure you restore the digestive enzymes to make you healthy again is important during your recovery process.

For this condition eating smaller meals and chewing your food well is very helpful. When you eat large meals, pressure is pushed on your stomach and this can cause the acid in your stomach to push up into your esophagus. Make sure to not lay down right after eating as this can also be an easy way for the stomach acid to rise into your esophagus. Try and eat at least 2 hours before you go to bed. Sometimes laying down right after eating will make it easier for the acid to rise into your esophagus. Start wit this recommended bland diet (listed below). This will help things to calm down in your digestive tract. Slowly introducing foods in moderation (also listed below) will help your to know what food can easily trigger your symptoms. If something causes a negative effect after you eat, you know this must be taken out of your diet.

Acid Reflux Diet

The following foods may be regularly eaten at any desired quantity:

Ripened Bananas
White Rice
Fish (broiled or baked-avoid shellfish)
Chicken Soup and others (but NO cream soups)
Fresh chicken or turkey
Cooked vegetables

Drinks: Water (drink plenty to avoid dehydration), Gatorade, Ensure, Grape and Apple Juice (with no additives). Juicy Juice is highly recommended because it is made of 100% juice.

The following foods may be eaten in moderation; no more than 1-2 servings per day:

Butter and/ or Olive oil
Jelly or Jams (low in sugar)
Peanut Butter
Select Cheeses (Cheddar, Colby, and Swiss ONLY)
White breads and organic breads (such as: Ezekiel bread, almond bread, oat bran, and rice bread). Avoid rye, wheat and barley, for these grains can be more difficult to digest.
Cereals that contain little or no sugar
Cream of rice and cream of wheat
Potatoes (sweet potatoes preferably)
Fresh beef, pork, or lamb
Fruits are tolerated, except in cases of diarrhea, including: tomatoes, red apples, peaches, nectarines, and melon
Condiments, including, mayonnaise, ketchup, and mustard

Food to Eliminate from your Diet When Suffering From Acid Reflux:

Greasy or fried foods
High fat foods
Spicy foods
Citric foods or drinks
Tomatoes and Onions
Creamed foods or soups
Anything with Mint in it
Alcoholic Drinks
Caffeinated Drink
Stop using tobacco in all forms

Keeping a food journal can help you make a diet more specific for your body. It will help you acknowledge the foods you ate that day, and what foods could have been the triggers for each meal. Taking a natural supplement like AMP Floracel will restore the digestive balance and health that has been eliminated during your flare-ups of Acid Reflux. It will also help to absorb the proper nutrients needed to help promote healing in your digestive tract. Maintaining a positive attitude, balancing your food intake and utilizing nutritional natural healing is KEY to assisting you in the healing process.

To Find out more about AMP Floracel, and how it can help your Acid Reflux, CLICK HERE!


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